
Thursday, October 18, 2012

{This Moment}

an evening autumn rain storm
the wind tosses crisp, coloured leaves against our house.
noses pressed up to the window, 
excited by the mixture of warm and cool waves of air gusting through the screen.
Then- through the rain, 
fire glowing sky 
lit by a coral evening sun, 
God's promise arching right over our house. 
two fold, 
one band of colour right over the other...
so large that I couldn't capture both rainbows. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yarn Along

Comin' into the game a little late (again!) but finally here. Illness has plagued our littlest and she, out of all of our children, has proven to be the most suitable prize winner for the most-pathetic-when-sick award. 

So it's sufficient to say that my knitting has been regretfully neglected these last couple of days. (and don't get me started on reading...)
Which is a total shame, since I've just been sitting anyway while holding a sick baby-she wouldn't have any of this knitting/reading nonsense though...
I decided to start this  cozy little owlie bag for my new infant niece, and hope to do one right after for her equally sweet twin brother-I think i'll make his in teal, I already have the wool and i'm eager to  use it. This was my first project involving cabling, but what can I say, I'm in love! I can't wait to do another cabling project.

All that's left of the first is the stockinette stitch and decreases. Plain stockinette stitch gets a little boring after a while, but it's a good travelling project. I really hope to finish these before they get too big for them though, they're growing quickly!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Better than Never...Some Late Weekending

This weekend was loaded with blessings:
a first birthday party with family
cupcakes with pretty pink frosting and little girls in birthday party dresses
little boys in handsome clothes...bigger boys to entertain
good movies, complete with popcorn and cuddles with Papaw
new baby dolls for the babies to cuddle
new babies for the mamas to cuddle
getting to know their apparently, already, quirky wee personalities
babies weighing enough to finally come home!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One Year...and a Yarn Along

One Year ago today our lives were changed forever when this sweet little girl came into our lives at just shy of 6 am, weighing 8lbs ad 3oz, on Thanksgiving Day.
I can't believe that a year has gone by already...too fast.
It feels like it was just yesterday that I was holding skin to skin, examining that precious face for the first time, in awe of just how much she looked like her Daddy and her brothers.

Smelling the top of her head and kissing it, marking her territory on my heart forever. 
A roly-poly ball of pudge, full of those sweet newborn creases, and dark, gentle little eyes that only opened when the lights were dimmed, and soft, sweet breathy coos and sighs, content, full-belly yawns and snuggles.
The middle of the night conversations we'd share, getting to know each other, tying our bond. The whispering in her tiny ears of all my love and promises.
She's grown so much, and has turned into my very own little baby doll. I can't imagine our lives without this precious creature! She brings us such joy and happiness, and it's so rewarding to watch her learn and grow into the sweet, happy little girl that she's becoming. 

I wanted to make her a quick, last minute birthday sweater, something light for early Autumn. I chose the plain vest for it's simplicity and it worked out perfectly. Not too hard, and took less than a day. The decreases were a little tricky to work out since the pattern doesn't specify, but it was a good learning experience.

Lotte enjoyed modelling her new sweater for me, I think she was just about as pleased with her little sweater as I was!

 Mark thought that the sweater better be tested for flight as well, so they gave it a quick spin in the air, in a game of Daddy tosses baby. Normally this game makes me kind of nervous, but trying to focus the camera during this event gave me something else to well,, focus on.

I've cast one a new project, and hopefully will be able to get it done quickly. I needed to make something for the two new wee babes that arrived recently, but it took me a long time to figure out what. 
I've decided on the little owl sleep sack, I think i'll be able to get two of those done pretty quickly. I've never cabled before but I've just started and it looks like it's all working out right.

These sweet babies have been gaining well and will be coming home soon and I want to be able to give them their little snuggle bags when they do!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Our weekend was loaded, but oh so blessed.
It seems like only yesterday that we were
welcoming my new baby niece and nephew into the world. They've grown so much, and are doing so well. They bring us all such joy and laughter, and now I can't imagine our family without these sweet souls.

This weekend we welcomed two more babies, born to my other sister, again boy and a girl-
this time not as early, which is pure relief, but early enough that they still need to *bake* a little longer. I haven't been able to meet them yet because I've had a cold and didn't want to bring them that kind of a present. 

This is a joyous occasion, and our family is celebrating the arrival of two more tiny blessings, however, it is bittersweet. While we did welcome two new babies, there was also a third babe who was scooped up in the arms of God and taken to heaven to live with him, much earlier than anyone can comprehend.

This verse has been in my mind all weekend as I rejoice and give thanks, but also weep for my sister and her husband...
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” ~job 1:21

I'm trying to let go, and stop trying to understand.


If we could easily understand God, and all that he does, and his great plan, he really wouldn't be the almighty God, would he?